So we finally get the low-down on how Lindsay Lohan is really doing in jail. The crazy chick on Pretty Wild was just released after serving a month for her involvement in the Bling Ring (that coincidentally targeted and robbed Lilo last year)..and she spilled the beans on Lindsay’s first few days in the slamming.
Alexis Neiers did not interact with Lindsay since both were in protective custody in the same cell block, but she could hear her crying through the wall.
“Crying. She was crying. I could hear her,” Alexis said. “She was crying. She was talking to deputies and, you know, just trying to–I couldn’t really like make it out, but from what I saw the first day, I mean, she was lying in there and just trying to like calm down.”
One reason for Lindsay not to cry: the special treatment her hair received.
“I mean, she got to keep her extensions in and everything, which most people don’t, and the girls were like, ‘Ah, they had to take my weave out and cut it all out and,’ you know, stuff like that,” Alexis said.
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