Saturday, July 31

Angelina Jolie Brings Back the Sexy

angelina jolie hot
Hollywood’s hottest piece of ass to the day, Angelina Jolie, is currently in Japan attending the premiere of her movie Salt in that island nation.

Dressed in a very sexy black dress that showed her entire leg as well as her back, Angelina Jolie paraded her incredible hotness at Tokyo’s most sought after red carpet event ever, filming autographs and even chatting with some of her fans.
I’m sorry, but I have to go back and talk some more about Angelina Jolie’s dress. Wow. I mean, WOW. That’s the hottest dress I’ve ever seen her wear, and for those who compared Megan Fox in her red dress at the Transformers II premiere to Angie, all I have to say is “how dare you?”


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