Dr. Drew Pinsky says Lindsay Lohan may be on the right track.
With the actress’ decision to enter the Pickford Lofts sober-living facilities and hire attorney Robert Shapiro (who founded the Lofts), the “Celebrity Rehab” host told Access Hollywood’s Tony Potts on Friday that he was optimistic for Lindsay.“This girl has great potential for treatment,” he told Tony. “Mandate a year, have three years of urine toxicology to follow that – this girl would do very well.
“She should’ve gone in the day she left the courtroom,” he added of Lindsay’s arrival in the sober-living home. “This judge has had enough of her nonsense. [Lindsay’s] active in her disease. She’s lying and blaming and doing these things that addicts do. There’s evidence now that she’s on pharmaceutical medications, which explains why [there is] all this craziness.”
Dr. Drew added that he is concerned that Lindsay will stay on her various medications, which, in previously revealed court documents, include Adderall, Zoloft and other prescription drugs, during her 90-day jail sentence.
“Presumably they will give her some medical management. They may just continue her on those medications. Not only could jail potentially harden her, she may end up on these pharmaceuticals the entire time,” he said, noting those decisions will come down to Lindsay’s doctors.
He also praised her new attorney and showed sympathy for Lindsay’s longtime attorney Shawn Chapman Holley, who asked to exit the case not long after Judge Marsha Revel sentenced Lindsay to jail time.
“It’s very frustrating to deal with people like this,” Dr. Drew said. “Robert Shapiro’s a great guy, dedicated to treating addicts. How sincere [Lindsay’s] attachment is to the process remains to be seen… My fear is that something is going to happen to her before she finds that motivation to get well.”
The reality doc also weighed in on his past Twitter sparring with Lindsay, explaining he felt the actress was linking him to her father, Michael Lohan.
“I represent her father to her,” he said. “She’s had a very tumultuous and traumatizing experience with her dad. Her dad is now appropriately advocating on her behalf but she can’t see that. She sees just the past and somehow I get linked up with that, too.”
Lindsay is due to report to jail on Tuesday. In a statement to Access Hollywood on Friday, Shapiro said the star would accept the “requirement of jail.”
“I have agreed to represent Ms. Lohan on the condition she comply with the terms of probation, including a requirement of jail, imposed by Judge Marsha Revel,” Shapiro said in the statement. “Ms. Lohan is suffering from a disease that I am all too familiar with. Hopefully, I can be of assistance to Ms. Lohan and Judge Revel in implementing a treatment approach recommended by medical professionals for Ms. Lohan’s long term recovery and sobriety.”
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