Wednesday, July 14

Hair-Raising News: Snooki to Retire the Poof

Pour out some of your Colt 45 for the poof.
"I haven't worn the poof in awhile," Jersey Shore star Snooki, a.k.a. Nicole Polizzi,told E! this week of her signature look. "To be honest, I'm getting tired of it."
Does that mean it's about to be retired?
"I've been wearing it since I was 16, now everyone expects me to wear the poof,"Snooki said. "I don't want to be predictable. I want to be different. That's why I've started to do the tease, the curl and pretty much just a different look."
Snookie PictureNicole Polizzi Photo
POOF, NO POOF: Sad as that is, at least she won't go blonde.
"Ew, no!" she said. "I am not a blonde. I may act like one, but I'm no blonde!"
So true. Meanwhile, Snooki & Co. are flying back to the Garden State to finish filming Jersey Shore (see the Season 2 trailer here) in Seaside Heights.
"We have a lot of bodyguards and cops around us because it's just going to be insane," Snooki said. "I don't even know how it's all going to work. I'll be scared if a couple of guys come and try to fight us. God forbid I get hit again."
"That's the last straw and I'm going home. It's not worth it. But I think overall we're going to be safe," she added. "We're going to have a good time."
Amen. Poof or no poof, the Jersey Shore quotes are gonna be hilarious and at least 10-12 people are gonna get arrested trying to fight these guidos.
July 29 can't get here fast enough.


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