What is Paris Hilton famous for again? Acting? Singing? Oh right. She’s famous for being famous. That pretty much sums it up. Paris is one of those girls that basically bought her fame but you know what? I don’t really care. There’s something about Paris I like. I can’t explain it.
She’s like the yappy little dog you kinda wanna kick but don’t because it’s so cute and dumb. Yeah. That’s Paris. She’s annoying. She talks more than she should, but she’s also exceedingly cute. Here in St. Tropez, Paris shows us how hard she has it by drinking champagne, partying on the beach and posing for pictures. She has an image to live up to, after all. So what if she got busted for pot possession twice in one month? She has the money to pay a fine and buy herself out of any real trouble. She might spend a few hours in jail, but it’s all very been there, done that for Paris – and hey, a little time in the clink will give her street cred; something this girl lost a long time ago.
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