Yesterday's appearance by Barack Obama on The View was not warmly greeted by some of the President's critics who questioned the nature of the visit.
Chief among said critics: Sarah Palin. Ripping his decision to sit down for a light interview on daytime TV amid myriad national crises, Palin Twittered:
"President with no time to visit porous US/Mexican border to offer help to those risking life to secure us, but lotso’ time to chat on The View? ... I’m headed to border in near future. Let’s see how quickly his travel schedule will allow that border visit after all.”
It might be a compelling point, if it weren't Sarah Palin.
Sarah Palin questions our President's commitment to public service.
The former Alaska Governor is referring to the region's drug wars and the debate over immigration in this country, and whether Obama should be on The View during such turbulent - or any - times is a subject many have raised, and not without validity.
With our nation burdened by two wars, immigration upheaval, rampant unemployment and the worst ecological disaster of all time, seeing our Commander-in-Chief chatting about Lindsay Lohan and Jay-Z is not as charming as it once was.
Let's not forget, though, that this criticism is coming from a woman who quit after less than a term as Alaska Governor to pursue lucrative, self-serving endeavors such as writing a memoir of her distinguished "career" and posing for In Touch Weekly.
That's her right, of course, and good for her. But for a woman clearly in love with her own celebrity and more interested in fulfilling Sarah Palin's every whim than in public service, criticism of one interview by the President is laughable.
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