Lindsay Lohan is being sent to Morningside Recovery, located in Orange County, California, to be treated for methamphetamine addiction and bipolar disorder, which means she probably will be taken off her adderall which is a prescription amphetamine. Although Lindsay is supposed to check-in to rehab within 24 hours of being released from jail, it is up to the judge how that will work out.Judge Marsha Revel was given recommendations for rehab facilities by two court appointed psychiatrists, but she opted to go with the facility recommended by a probation officer. David Gates, who represents Morningside Recovery, said his facility would be tougher on Lindsay than other patients by cutting off communication between Lindsay and the outside world, but that doesn’t include family.
The cost of rehab is said to be close to $225,000 for 90 days.
While in jail the man who is creating the movie Inferno, a biopic aboutLinda Lovelace, was denied from seeing Lindsay. We are hearing now that Sarah Scott (pictured above) might be replacing Lindsay. Sarah was seen with script in hand for movie the other day.
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