Saturday, September 26

Jessica Biel Will Join Justin Timberlake on Charity Kilimanjaro Climb

Back in April we brought you the scoop that Justin Timberlake would be joining forces with rapper Lupe Fiasco and singer Kenna for a climb up Mount Kilimanjaro to raise awareness for clean water needs worldwide.
Now, it appears that his girlfriend Jessica Biel will be joining the crew.
Jessica stated that she wants ”to help any way I can in order to raise awareness toward the life-threatening clean water crisis happening not only in Africa but around the world.”
This is a basic human necessity that needs to be addressed now,” she said. More than one billion people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water, according to the project, called Summit on the Summit.

If anyone can handle the physical intensity of a Mount Kilimanjaro climb, we think it might be Jessica Biel, who manages to be more buff and more  beautiful every time we see her on the red carpet. She’s a well-known fitness devotee and the vigorous training required for this course will likely be a challenge that she relishes.
According to Kenna, Jessica won’t be the last of the celebrities to join the climb (now slated for January)- more are expected to join in the coming months. You can follow the progress and donate to the cause at


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